Kwakwaka'wakw carver, Sarah Robertson, was born in Nanaimo, BC and comes from 2 native heritages; the Coast Salish from her mother's side, and Kwakwaka'wakw from her father's side. Her mother is from Nanaimo, BC & her father is from Kingcome Inlet, BC. Sarah has been carving for 34 years. She was under mentorship of her father, Alfred Robertson, her uncle Sampson Robertson, and her cousin Jackson Robertson. She started out as her father's assistant, sanding, painting, and staining his carvings. Then she began carving her father's and cousin's style and designs. Until finally carving plaques, masks, small totem poles, talking sticks, rattles, paddles and bowls with her own feminine style of art. Later, she learned how to do steam bentwood boxes from her late uncle, Sampson Robertson.